Our Trademark Process

Our step-by-step trademark registration process ensures a hassle-free experience

  • 01

    Sign Up

    Fill in a simple sign-up form, provide your information. Our experts will take care from here.

  • 02

    Search & Analysis

    We conduct a comprehensive trademark search to avoid conflicts.

  • 03

    Application Filing

    Our team handles the filing process, ensuring accuracy and completeness.

  • 04


    Once approved, your trademark is registered for robust protection.

Why Choose Trademark Prompt

At Trademark Prompt, we take pride in simplifying the trademark registration journey for our clients. Our step-by-step process guarantees a hassle-free experience, ensuring that your brand receives robust protection. It involves a detailed consultation where you discuss your brand and goals with our experts, receiving tailored guidance. We conduct a comprehensive trademark search and analysis to avoid conflicts, followed by our expert team handling the application filing process with precision and completeness. Upon approval, your trademark is officially registered, providing your brand with the protection it deserves.

Our Trademark Registration Services

We drive the mission to provide start-ups, businessmen and entrepreneurs,
quick, easy and cost-effective way to secure their brands.

Trade Statement of Use

Secure approval for your Trademark Statement of Use effortlessly. Our streamlined process ensures a hassle-free experience.

Trade Statement of Use

Secure approval for your Trademark Statement of Use effortlessly. Our streamlined process ensures a hassle-free experience.

Trade Statement of Use

Secure approval for your Trademark Statement of Use effortlessly. Our streamlined process ensures a hassle-free experience.

Trade Statement of Use

Secure approval for your Trademark Statement of Use effortlessly. Our streamlined process ensures a hassle-free experience.


Our Service Packages


$ 49
$99 Save $50

+ Official Trademark Registration Fee

Official Trademark Registration Fee: This is the registration fee sent directly to the relevant trademark office. The package fee covers service charges for preparing and filing trademark application on your behalf.

  • Case Review

    Case Review: We will conduct a thorough examination and analysis of your trademark case details, including which class and category your case belongs to.

  • Case Filing

    Case Filing: We will ensure swift and efficient submission of your trademark application to USPTO.

  • Trademark Alert

    Trademark Alert: We will provide updates on potential issues related to your trademark, including any similarities in your trademark name, slogan, or logo.

  • Trademark Secured

    Trademark Secured: We will confirm whether your trademark is successfully registered, protected, and delivered.

  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    100% Satisfaction Guarantee: We commit to ensuring your complete satisfaction through a smooth, automated process.

  • You can Utillize the USPTO Serial No. For Brand Registration across all E-commerce platforms

    You can utilize your USPTO Serial No. for registering your brand across various e-commerce platforms, including Amazon, Walmart, Target, Etsy & Ebay.

  • Limited Time Deal: Trademark Filling With Your Own ID - Actual Price $200

    (Included in Package Price)

    Companies and attorneys typically submit trademark applications from their own ID. However, in our limited-time deal, we will submit the trademark application from your own ID ensuring the security of your trademark application and that all filings are indisputably in your name.

  • Exclusive Offer: For Data Security & Encryption - AI Bot Powered Trademark Filling Without human Intervention - Actual Price $500

    (Included in Package Price)

  • Case Handling by Best Senior Trademark Experts on Availability Basis

GET USPTO Serial No. in - 30 Days

Want to Get YourTrademark Serial No. in 24 Hours?


$ 149
$249 Save $100

+ Official Trademark Registration Fee

Official Trademark Registration Fee: This is the registration fee sent directly to the relevant trademark office. The package fee covers service charges for preparing and filing trademark application on your behalf.

All Features
Gold Package
  • Case Preparation

    Case Preparation: We will organize and prepare all necessary materials for a seamless trademark application process.

  • Refusal Risk Meter

    Refusal Risk Meter: Trust our assessment of the likelihood of your trademark application facing rejection.

  • Exact Match Search

    Exact Match Search: We will perform a precision-focused search to identify exact matches of your proposed trademark, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of potential conflicts.

  • You can Utillize the USPTO Serial No. For Brand Registration across all E-commerce platforms

    You can utilize your USPTO Serial No. for registering your brand across various e-commerce platforms, including Amazon, Walmart, Target, Etsy & Ebay.

  • Limited Time Deal: Trademark Filling With Your Own ID - Actual Price $200

    (Included in Package Price)

    Companies and attorneys typically submit trademark applications from their own ID. However, in our limited-time deal, we will submit the trademark application from your own ID ensuring the security of your trademark application and that all filings are indisputably in your name.

  • Exclusive Offer: For Data Security & Encryption - AI Bot Powered Trademark Filling Without human Intervention - Actual Price $500

    (Included in Package Price)

  • Case Handling by Best Senior Trademark Experts on Availability Basis

GET USPTO Serial No. in - 10 Days

Want to Get YourTrademark Serial No. in 24 Hours?


$ 199
$349 Save $150

+ Official Trademark Registration Fee

Official Trademark Registration Fee: This is the registration fee sent directly to the relevant trademark office. The package fee covers service charges for preparing and filing trademark application on your behalf.

All Features
  • Digital File

    Digital File: Digital File: Usually the price of Digital File is $49. However, we are including this service in our trademark registration service package without any fee.

  • Complete Documentation

    Complete Documentation: Access all necessary paperwork and records for your trademark application with us.

  • Dedicated Case Manager

    Dedicated Case Manager: Count on a dedicated professional assigned to oversee and manage your trademark case personally.

  • Trademark Search Report Actual Price $200 (including in package price)

    Trademark Search Report (General + Federal + All States): We will create a through trademark search report, focusing on search across various search engines as well as search in trademark databases of Federal and all 52 US States. Usually the price of this Trademark Search Report is $149. However, we are including this service in our trademark registration service package without any fee.

  • You can Utillize the USPTO Serial No. For Brand Registration across all E-commerce platforms

    You can utilize your USPTO Serial No. for registering your brand across various e-commerce platforms, including Amazon, Walmart, Target, Etsy & Ebay.

  • Limited Time Deal: Trademark Filling With Your Own ID - Actual Price $200

    (Included in Package Price)

    Companies and attorneys typically submit trademark applications from their own ID. However, in our limited-time deal, we will submit the trademark application from your own ID ensuring the security of your trademark application and that all filings are indisputably in your name.

  • Exclusive Offer: For Data Security & Encryption - AI Bot Powered Trademark Filling Without human Intervention - Actual Price $500

    (Included in Package Price)

  • Case Handling by Top Senior Trademark Experts on Availability Basis

GET USPTO Serial No. in - 05 Days

Want to Get YourTrademark Serial No. in 24 Hours?


$ 349
$549 Save $200

+ Official Trademark Registration Fee

Official Trademark Registration Fee: This is the registration fee sent directly to the relevant trademark office. The package fee covers service charges for preparing and filing trademark application on your behalf.

All Features
Diamond Package
  • Infringement Alerts

    Infringement Alerts: Usually the price of Infringement Alerts is $249. However, we are including this service in our trademark registration service package without any fee.

  • 100% Approval Guarantee

    100% Approval Guaranteed: We stand by our confidence in the successful approval of your trademark application.

  • Comprehensive Trademark Search Report Actual Price $250 (including in package price)

    Comprehensive Trademark Search Report (General + Federal + All States + All Domains + All Company Registrations + All International Trademark Registrations): We will create a comprehensive trademark search report, focusing on search across various search engines as well as search in trademark databases of Federal and all 52 US States along with database of all registered domains, all company registrations and all international trademark registrations. Usually the price of the Comprehensive Trademark Search Report is $250. However, we are including this service in our trademark registration service package without any fee.

  • You can Utillize the USPTO Serial No. For Brand Registration across all E-commerce platforms

    You can utilize your USPTO Serial No. for registering your brand across various e-commerce platforms, including Amazon, Walmart, Target, Etsy & Ebay.

  • Limited Time Deal: Trademark Filling With Your Own ID - Actual Price $200

    (Included in Package Price)

    Companies and attorneys typically submit trademark applications from their own ID. However, in our limited-time deal, we will submit the trademark application from your own ID ensuring the security of your trademark application and that all filings are indisputably in your name.

  • Exclusive Offer: For Data Security & Encryption - AI Bot Powered Trademark Filling Without human Intervention - Actual Price $500

    (Included in Package Price)

  • Case Handling by Most Senior Trademark Experts on Availability Basis

GET USPTO Serial No. in - 03 Days

Want to Get YourTrademark Serial No. in 24 Hours?

$49 Priority Processing - Unleash Speed and Efficiency
(Next business day)

Accelerate your trademark filing with our $49 Priority Processing. Review and approval by the next business day prioritizes your brand security. Note that while we expedite your filing, the U.S Copyright Office's response time remains variable.

Start My Trademark Registration
SEE our Trademark Registration SUCCESS STORIES

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Registered Now

Get your brand protected by registering for copyright and trademark from us NOW!

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