Our Trademark Search Process

Protect your brand with our simplified trademark search process

  • 01

    Initial Consultation

    Discuss your brand goals and details with our experts.

  • 02

    In-Depth Analysis

    Conduct extensive research to identify potential conflicts.

  • 03

    Detailed Report

    Receive a comprehensive report outlining search results.

  • 04


    Collaborate with our team to develop a protection strategy.

24/7 Support for Your Brand's Security

We drive the mission to provide start-up businessmen and entrepreneurs, quick, and cost-effective way to safeguard their brand. Our team understands that running and maintaining a successful business is a crucial duty. You don’t need to worry about these hardships while taking our services, because we keep struggling in protecting and securing your name and make the process as dynamic, productive, and reasonable as possible. To ease the process of achieving a trademark for your business, we have a pack of every essential thing you require for protecting your name, brand Symbol, or logo.

Our Amazon Brand Registry Services

Trademark Prompt offers a swift and cost-effective way to elevate
your presence on Amazon

In-Depth Research

Our team conducts in-depth research to identify existing trademarks and potential conflicts, ensuring thorough protection for your brand.

Clearance Search

Navigate the trademark landscape confidently with our clearance search, minimizing the risk of conflicts and legal challenges.

Competitor Analysis

Gain insights into your competitors' trademarks with our comprehensive analysis, allowing you to make informed strategic decisions for your brand.

Customized Strategy

Collaborate with our experts to develop a customized protection strategy based on the results of the comprehensive trademark search.

Our Service Packages


$ 149


  • Trademark Search:
    The federal search provides any similar names, logos, or Symbols that are registered or pending with the USPTO
  • State Search:
    The state search does the same for all 50 states
  • Detailed Online Report:
    Identifies any matches with all the information you need to strategize your next step


$ 299


  • Corporate name search
    We run a search for all corporate and other business entity names in all 50 states.
  • Corporate Directories
    We search the corporate directories for listing of others who might be using your name.
  • Common law
    Proprietary internet searches reveal the use of your name that may be protected by common law trademarks.
  • Domain names
    We search the most common top level domain names to see if anyone is using your name online.


$ 499


  • Global Search:
    We search for pending and registered marks in these multi-national jurisdictions
  • Domain Names:
    The European community
  • Domain Names:
    World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Strengthen Your Brand Protection
Trademark Prompt’s Comprehensive Trademark Search Services

Expedite your Comprehensive Trademark Search with our Priority Processing. Initiate and review the process by the next business day, prioritizing your brand
protection for faster action.

Start My Trademark Search

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Real Success, Real Stories

Secure Your Brand with
With Trademark Prompt

Contact Trademark Prompt for expert Amazon Brand Registry services

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