Our Amazon Brand Registry Process

Safeguard your brand on Amazon effortlessly with Trademark Prompt's simplified process

  • 01


    Evaluate your eligibility and brand's qualification for Amazon Brand Registry.

  • 02


    Gather necessary documents, including trademarks, product images, and packaging.

  • 03


    Our team submits your application, ensuring accuracy and completeness.

  • 04


    Amazon reviews your application, and your brand gains enhanced protection.

24/7 Support for Your Amazon Journey

At Trademark Prompt, we are dedicated to empowering sellers and brands with a swift and cost-effective solution to not only establish but also safeguard their presence on the dynamic and competitive landscape of Amazon. Recognizing the critical nature of e-commerce and the challenges that come with it, our experienced team is committed to guiding you through the intricacies of the Amazon Brand Registry process. In the ever-evolving world of online retail, establishing and protecting your brand is paramount. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities that the e-commerce landscape presents.

Our Amazon Brand Registry Services

Trademark Prompt offers a swift and cost-effective way to elevate
your presence on Amazon

Eligibility Assessment

Assess your brand's eligibility and qualification for Amazon Brand Registry with our expert guidance, ensuring a smooth process.

Documentation Assistance

Let our team assist you in preparing and organizing the necessary legal documents, ensuring a smooth company formation process.

Application Submission

Our team submits your application, ensuring accuracy and completeness, for a hassle-free experience with Amazon Brand Registry.

Post-Registry Support

Receive ongoing support post-registry, ensuring that your brand continues to thrive and benefit from enhanced protection on the Amazon marketplace.

Our Service Packages


$ 99


  • Amazon Brand Case Review
  • Amazon Brand Case Filing
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


$ 149


  • Amazon Brand Case Review
  • Amazon Brand Case Preparation
  • Amazon Brand Case Filing
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • Refusal Risk Meter


$ 199


    • Amazon Brand Case Review
    • Amazon Brand Case Preparation
    • Amazon Brand Case Filing
    • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
    • Refusal Risk Meter
    • Amazon Brand Case Monitoring
    • Complete Documentation
    • Digital File
    • Dedicated Case Manager

Priority Processing for Enhanced Amazon Presence
(Starting at $99!)

Expedite your Amazon Brand Registry process with our $99 Priority Processing. Initiate and review the application by the next business day, prioritizing your
brand's authenticity and trust for faster action. Please note, this doesn't guarantee immediate
implementation due to Amazon's verification procedures.

Start My Amazon Journey Today

Our Dedication in the Words of
Our Clients

Real Success, Real Stories

Enhance Your Brand
With Trademark Prompt

Contact Trademark Prompt for expert Amazon Brand Registry services

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